Saturday, 30 June 2012

How time flies......

After browsing through some of my Facebook pictures I ended up scrolling through a bunch of old pictures of my final year ( degree ) work. Well after this little walk down memory lane I suddenly realised it has been almost 5 year since I graduates which certainly shocked me, can't believe how fast time has gone by.

Final year degree show

Well as you can imagine I then started to wonder what had actually happened to all those pictures, paintings and ( most importantly ) those rolls of hand printed fabrics. Thank goodness my parents have more concern for my old work than I do and had stored everything safe and sound in the Attic :) Happily I have now removed the burden of storing 16 metres of fabric from my parent and am set to finally do something with the fabric I spent countless hours screen printing.

Some of my original computer designs

So far I have decided to draw up some cushion designs, perhaps adding appliqué and free-hand embroidery. I've also thought of doing framed pictures or wall hangings and even recreating the flower and shoe motif onto canvas bags. Lots of new inspiration for these old designs which I loved creating and never truly felt I had done all I could with them. Would love to know your thoughts and ideas of others things I could do with my fabric so feel free to add your comments.


A few close ups of sections of my fabrics.

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Where it all happens...

While I'm still in the middle of making my new Rucksack and have nothing new to post about that yet, I thought I would introduce you to my little Sewing room. I live in a small rented flat so there isn't much room and I can't get creative with the decor ( Although I am in the process of choosing some less offensive curtains ), but I think I have managed to use up every little bit of space I can.

Sometimes I do think having such a small space to work in is actually a blessing in disguise because I struggle to keep this little area tidy and if I had a huge amount of space to store fabrics I'd never be out of the fabric shops and probably wouldn't get much sewing done :)

My very compact storage draws; one for storing all my fabric and the other for storing the small amount of stock I have to sell.

However despite keeping this little area clean. The boyfriends side, referred to as "the Office" ( to make it sound more manly ) is far from organised. I can't even imagine a day when this ever expanding pile of papers is cleared away!

Friday, 22 June 2012

Pretty Rucksacks....

After having much success with my Kids Rucksacks I have decided to try out some Adult Rucksacks and see how they go. If all else fails I'll have made myself some nice new bags :)

Kids Rucksacks, Personalised or plain £25
( )

I wanted to keep the shape similar to the Kids bag so that the two bag's still tie in together. To make the adult bag look a bit different I've added side panels and a front pocket. After a long time measuring and cutting and measuring again I (think) I have the pattern pretty much sorted out and created a (not so) pretty prototype of my bag out of my old bed cover.

I couldn't bring myself to make the bag out of plain old boring canvas or cotton, because lets face it who really want a plain old boring bag when you can have a fabulous printed one ( or is that just me? ).

Anyhow I didn't manage to get all the bits cut out yet but here's what I've done so far and I think you'll all agree that the vintage style floral fabric and the polka dot together is going to be lovely :)

More updates on my progress to come and hopefully a finished product before the end of the weekend.
Enjoy xx

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Happy Summer Days

Seeing as Summer has decided to do a disappearing act again and the rainy days have taken over, I've been reminiscing over some of the nicer days I've enjoyed so far this year. One of which was my sister's wedding. After much stress and hair pulling the day was a huge success. Of course the bride has a habit of spilling food down pretty much everything she wears so to prevent a major wedding dress disaster during the meal I decided to make this very cute 1950's style Apron. 

Beautiful Bride modelling her Apron
( www.facebook/Cherishhandmade )

Well I thought I'd share a few pictures of her fabulously dressed venue, created by the brilliant Red Floral Architecture
( )

A beautiful day for a beautiful bride. 
Enjoy :) x

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Well here goes...

So my very first post ( Eeeeek big moment ), well here goes..... I thought I'd begin with my newest creation. I'm very proud of this one, mainly because I started it in January and it hasn't been looked at again until last weekend as I thought I was goin to take me a life time to finish. I was therefore shocked after completing it in only 2 hours. Anyhow this is a lesson to me not to put things off for months because it will probably take me less time than I think :) Well I hope you enjoy looking at it as much as I enjoyed creating it x